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  • Adelina Yang

Chapter Introduction


在写这段简介时,我的脑海里不知为何浮现出了小学时候背的这句诗。正如诗中说的那样,或许我们都在生命的某个阶段成为过那个“异客 ”。小到搬到城市里的另一条街道,大到留学、移民。




Perhaps at some stage in our lives, we had all been a “foreigner” once: migrating to another country, studying abroad, or even moving to a new street block…Displacement is a form of detachment from our past.

As I am writing this introduction, I found displacement—or in a more narrow term, immigration—similar to a form of replantation. We uproot ourselves from our homeland and replant ourselves in a stretch of unfamiliar and unknown. We learn to live by sewing new habits into our bodies, translating our minds, and uttering with a different tongue.

However, the nostalgic breath of our hometown still lingers on the tip of our tongues, sprawling in our bodies as a reminder of our pasts. Perhaps the discrepancy between “us” and “others”  can never be overcome, and it forces us to examine ourselves, and our past, in an over-sensitive way.

Displacement is never just a simple relocation, but rather a reconstruction with burning ruptures and undercurrents of pain. But I won’t call it a journey of struggles, or glorify it as a glamorous venture. I aspire to gather the colliding fragments of identities; to listen, to document, to capture the truth of each and every soul adrift.

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