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  • Aina Gao

Living Like a Splendid pH Indicator

“I’ve been in touch with chemistry for fourteen years, it has long become an essential component of my life”.

Ms.Susie’s life intersected with chemistry many years ago, resuming back to her high school years. At that time, biology and chemistry were two of her favorite subjects, yet at university, she decided to major in chemistry, due to her fondness for the chemistry professor. Later, Ms. Susie wasn’t satisfied with her life lingering in the laboratory, so she decided to turn to pedagogy and teach chemistry in school. Ykpao became her destination.

Ms. Susie in the Lab

“I enjoy the atmosphere in school. In comparison with the bustling, noisy outer world, high school possesses a more simplistic beauty.”

Ms.Susie has been teaching in Ykpao for a long time. Though teaching the repetitive chemistry course every year, Ms. Susie states that she has never felt bored in the school’s community.

“Education is a very magnificent thing. Though the curriculum remains mainly the same, we are experimenting with different sorts of educational methods every year and continuously attempting to revise our course to provide better teaching quality”

The flexibility in designing the course and constantly developing it into a more thorough curriculum endowed Ms.Susie with much utility. She enjoyed growing with the school and the students and especially presented her affection for the emphasis Ykpao placed upon holistic education. 

Since Ms.Susie is a chemistry teacher, I was very curious about what her favorite chemistry experiment is. Her answer surprised me, as it is a very simple experiment that every student in YK Pao must have experienced since middle school - making the acid-base indicator. 

“I enjoy witnessing the change of the color, enjoying its splendor, and seeing the different gradations of color prevail. Sometimes, it presents a vibrant red color, later, it may turn into a mild blue. Every time it is added to a solution, minimal differences in the color occur, and it endows every solution with its unique beauty.”

Likewise, Ms. Susie’s life was never limited to Ykpao and chemistry, her journey is a spectacular tapestry, presenting magnificent altercations in color. 

In leisure, Ms. Susie enjoys doing yoga, traveling around the world, and rambling along the peaceful streets - city walking. She jokes that she has always been a “city girl” as she grew up, so yearns to visit places with an opposing sort of cultural atmosphere. Other than the urbanized, busy life in the city where millions of footsteps intertwine on the road yet just chafes pass each other, a slower-paced life where deeper connections between people can be built is what Ms. Susie is looking forward to. 

Ms. Susie

“Santorini is definitely on my list and Cambridge is one of my favorite locations that I’ve ever visited. Sometimes, the scenery there flows back into my mind: the green, parched landscape, the wooden benches that glowed under the gloam, the chirping pigeons. These figures endow you with deep solace and serenity, which is hard to seek in the busy city.”

Lastly, witnessing the pervading anxiety in the city and Yk Pao, Ms. Susie wanted to share her life motto with everyone. 

“Every Child is a flower, they bloom at different times of the year, presenting different appearances of the blossoms. And no matter if the child has welcomed her blooming age or not, no matter what shape the blossom is in, she deserves to be respected and valued.”

Perhaps, everyone’s destiny is also like the acid-base indicator. You never know what color it will display, yet each color owns its unique beauty. Moreover, the potential of the fluctuation of varied colors makes it especially fascinating and attractive. Ms.Susie is playing with her forever-changing pH indicator, and we should all pursue our own.

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